ASCE Joint Meeting
Join us for a presentation on the Sequim Fault from Shannon & Wilson’s Chris Kemp.
This presentation will cover an evaluation of the Sequim fault, a previously poorly studied fault that intersects the Dungeness Off-Channel Reservoir project site on the northern Olympic Peninsula. The evaluation focused synthesizing and interpreting information from previously published studies (e.g., seismic reflection, aero-magnetic and gravity, seismic tomography, geochronology, geologic mapping), project subsurface data (borings and multi-channel analysis of surface waves), and new lidar-based mapping of alluvial terraces, scarps and lineaments. The presentation will cover the implications of the fault for the project, including development of setbacks and recommendations for preliminary design.
Chris is a geologist with 15 years of experience focused on identifying, characterizing and mitigating for geologic hazards with an emphasis on seismic and surface fault rupture hazards. He has managed and participated in geologic hazard investigations throughout the U.S. for a variety of critical infrastructure, including dams, pipelines, and nuclear generating facilitates, including several Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) studies.
Registration Link at Brown Paper Tickets here.